

Winter space use of three syntopic coastal marsh sparrows in eastern North America

Using a combination of radio telemetry and mark recapture I am assessing the winter spaces use of saltmarsh, seaside, and Nelson’s sparrows in North Carolina.

Photo: Winter habitat at Bald Head State Natural Area, NC


Winter habitat use of three syntopic coastal marsh sparrows in eastern North America

Using radio telemetry data I will determine habitat used by saltmarsh, seaside, and Nelson’s sparrows during their stationary winter period in North Carolina.

Photo: Saltmarsh Sparrow, Bald Head State Natural Area 2020


Impacts of sea level rise on coastal ecosystems along coastal North Carolina

Examining the impacts of sea level rise at five marsh complexes in North Carolina.

Photo: High tide during the winter at Bald Head State Natural Area.

Predicting the effects of sea level rise on marsh sparrows in coastal North Carolina

Predictive modeling can help us understand how habitats will change in response to sea level rise, and paired with habitat use data, could provide novel estimates of marsh bird carrying capacity in the future. These models will provide important information to help set conservation goals and inform design of effective mitigation strategies, including planning for necessary funding and resources.

Photo: Rachel Carson Reserve in Beaufort, NC flooded during high tide.


